Today my head has been full of voices. Going round and round.
I hear N. I hear M. I hear S, my mum. Round and round and round. I know I shouldn't argue or try and make sense of them but instead notice, acknowledge and move on. I've tried distraction. I practice mindfulness. I don't say it's a bad day, or what is spinning round my head because I get called obsessive.
I ruminate on things I've done, on what others have said or might say, what has happened and may happen. Over and over and over. My imagination takes over, filling in any gaps.
Ruminating causes my anxiety to soar. I avoid people and places. Ruminating regularly makes me doubt what I hear and understand. Am I correctly recalling? It also leaves me vulnerable to others, who are able to tell me I am imagining things even though z
I am not.
Tomorrow is a new day, Full of new promises, When you rush through the day, Tomorrow is always there to say, Don't worry tomorrow it can be done, Tomorrow we can try again. Tomorrow's exciting promise, Every morning when you wake. A bit more time to finish today. More time to play They say Don't leave till tomorrow, Why you can do today. Sometimes tomorrow seems the same. Tomorrow is so different from today. No joy before you settle down, Tomorrow you'll still feel like you'll drown. What if tomorrow never came? What if today was the end. Would you regret the things you put off? Would you ponder if that phonecall, That text, that knock on the door, Shouldn't have been tomorrow's chore? Would you beg for another tomorrow? Would you mourn your yesterday. Today someone needs you. That phone call can't wait. A chat, a cuddle, a hand to hold, Responding may mean more than gold. So don't put it off, don't delay. Someone...
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